Québec Nickel Corp. (CSE: QNI) (OTCQB: QNICF) (Frankfurt: 71B) currently has a 5000 m drill program underway along footwall contact at Fortin Zone to discover more high-grade Ni-Cu-Co-PGE-Au pockets. QNI currently has a nominal market cap of ~C$3.5M (~115.34 million shares trading near ~C$0.03). The company is fully funded to accomplish all its 2023 exploration plans. The majority of the company shares are institutionally held. The share price of QNI appears poised for upside revaluation as continued news flow occurs, and as the significance of what Québec Nickel Corp. possesses is better appreciated by the market.


Québec Nickel Corp. Advancing Ducros Critical Metals Property in Abitibi


Québec Nickel Corp.

CSE stock symbol: QNI

Share Price: ~$0.03 Canadian on CSE

Market Cap: ~3.5M Canadian

Shares Outstanding: ~$115.34 Million

Recent Mining Journal review: https://miningmarketwatch.net/qni.htm

Company website: https://quebecnickel.com

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Québec Nickel Corp. was recently the subject of a Mining MarketWatch Journal review, full copy of which may be viewed at https://miningmarketwatch.net/qni.htm online. Excerpt copy;

Figure 1. (above) Plan map showing the locations of selected drill holes completed at the Fortin Sill Zone with Ni + Cu assays (%) in relation to the outline of the Fortin Sill discovery outcrop (the black dotted lines represent an expression of the stripped outcrop area). Voluminous body of quality material: the Fortin Sill pocket seen above measures ~30 m deep, 65 m from North to South, and ~30 m East to West — further below in this article you can see the grades for each drill hole — already the reader can start working out back-of-the-envelope calculations with assumptions (e.g. non-43-101 specific gravity of say maybe 3 to 3.5, spot price for Ni, Cu, Co, Pt, Pd) and an impressive number develops assuming decent recoveries. Important to note that metallurgical test results are expected soon, favourable recoveries will further de-risk matters and propel economics.

Valuation Commentary: Québec Nickel Corp. (CSE: QNI) (OTCQB: QNICF) (Frankfurt: 71B) is a Canadian-based critical metals exploration company focused on advancing its 100%-owned Ducros Critical Metals (Ni-Cu-Co-PGE-Au) Property in Québec, located in the prolific Abitibi Greenstone belt. The Abitibi region is world renown for world-class gold-copper deposits, however QNI has what is rapidly developing as one of Canada’s most exciting nickel sulphide plays as it is an outlier in the area with grades ~4 – 5 times what is found in the region for nickel, but also spectacular elevated copper, cobalt, platinum, palladium, and gold.

QNI is advancing / targeting two types of nickel on its Ducros project:

1) Advancing High-Grade Nickel Pocket(s); QNI’s Fortin Sill Zone Ni-Cu-Co-PGE-Au discovery appears to be a classical high-grade Raglan-style phenomena; the well-known Raglan nickel mine is known as a “string of pearls“, numerous high-grade pockets in close proximity (each in the 100,000 tonne to 3 million tonne range) — such nickel pocket occurrences are usually never one-off, its just a matter of vectoring-in on more. In QNI’s case at Fortin, the geological team has already found one and is now actively executing on a plan to find more.  Québec Nickel Corp. is a young company, it was formed in 2020 to specifically tackle the Ducros property. QNI’s maiden multi-phase drill program began in Q1-2022 when it completed just over 21,000 metres in 91 holes across the Ducros property, a majority of the 2022 drilling occurred on the Fortin Sill Ni-Cu-Co-PGE-Au Zone which is rapidly developing, starts at surface and appears amenable to a high-grade open pit scenario. Exceptional Fortin Zone drill results were returned in 2022 include hole QDG-22-29, which drilled an 11.80 metre interval containing 1.44% Ni, 1.49% Cu, 461 ppm Co and 2.79 g/t Pt-Pd-Au that includes a higher-grade subinterval assaying 1.85% Ni, 1.65% Cu (3.50% Ni + Cu), 576 ppm Co and 3.27 g/t Pt-Pd-Au over 8.43 metres (see August 30, 2022 News Release for reference). 5,000 metres of new drilling and geophysics are currently underway at the Fortin Sill high-grade nickel-copper-PGE prospect. The new drilling is focused on exploring for additional Ni-Cu-PGE sulphides down plunge and along strike of the main outcropping mineralized zone.

Full copy of this article may be viewed at https://miningmarketwatch.net/qni.htm online — RECOMMENDED READING.


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